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Dear, I would like to advertise the availability of several PhD positions (with scholarship) starting January 2014 at the iCub Facility in the Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia (Italian Institute of Technology) to work on topics related to the iCub humanoid

Админов Админ (профессор, д.м.н)
http://www.iit.it/icub | 23.08.2013
I would like to advertise the availability of several PhD positions (with scholarship) starting January 2014 at the iCub Facility in the Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia (Italian Institute of Technology) to work on topics related to the iCub humanoid robot (http://www.iit.it/icub).

The Italian Institute of Technology (IIT) is an English-language working environment based in Genoa (ITALY) with state-of-the-art laboratories and worldwide collaboration in the field of robotics, machine learning, neuroscience, cognitive systems, and nanotechnology. 

The iCub Facility is the main integrator of IIT’s research and technology on the iCub humanoid robotic platform. The iCub is the humanoid robot child designed to support researchers interested in the themes of learning, control, cognition, and interaction. The goal of the iCub Facility is to lead the development of the iCub, arrange and time the construction of new versions, supervise the incorporation of new technologies and possibly foster their commercial exploitation. We create opportunities for collaboration at IIT and worldwide in a large network of iCub owners via European funded projects or commercial contracts. The iCub Facility ideal candidates are students with a master’s degree in engineering, computer science, or related disciplines, open to learning, to novelty but keeping always an eye on the possibility of implementing research on the state of the art iCub humanoid robot.

In relation to the iCub humanoid robot, the following themes are pursued:

1. Event-driven vision sensors for humanoid robots
2. Event-driven vision system: predicting the unexpected
3. Designing a dependable iCub platform
4. Alternative designs for the iCub robot through rapid prototyping
5. Machine learning for perception and classification in robotics
6. Deep hierarchical learning for robotics
7. Human-robot interaction: understanding actions and the dynamics of the scene
8. Tactile object exploration
9. Development of soft MEMS tactile sensing technologies for robotics
10. Social augmentation of the iCub using computer vision and machine learning
11. From fixed-base rigid manipulators to floating-base compliant humanoids
12. Innovative solutions for task and motion planning

Full details of the call and the application procedure can be found at:http://www.iit.it/phdschool
Synopsis of the research themes, contact/reference researchers, bibliographical references can be found here:http://www.biomedica.ingegneria.unige.it/media/PhDHumanoidRobotics%20V2.pdf


To apply, please visit the following link:

Applications are considered for the subsequent selection ONLY if received ELECTRONICALLY on the UNIVERSITY of GENOA's website strictly by the deadline. 

It is highly recommended that prospective students contact Giorgio Metta at giorgio.metta_(at)_ iit.it wel

l ahead of the deadline in case of questions about the iCub and the iCub's research, any questions or doubts about the application procedure as well as moving to and living in Genoa, etc.

Best regards,

Giorgio Metta <giorgio.metta@iit.it>

Italian Institute of Technology
Via Morego, 30 
16163 Genoa, Italy 
Ph: +39 010 7178-1411
Fax: +39 010 7170-817

URL: http://pasa.liralab.it
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